Hello all,
Well, it’s been a big few months for Brisbane Touch Football. So where to start?
Firstly, the current situation with Covid. A huge shout out to all the affiliates for their work with competitions to keep them going and to hold them when needed. We all know how hard it is to facilitate competitions, referees, grounds etc. It’s critical that we continue to support our clubs and affiliates through this time. I’m sure we’ll all be back out there before we know it.
We also would like to welcome Stephen Swan who has been successful in winning the position of the Affiliate Service Manager. Stephen is well known throughout Brisbane touch and not only brings a wealth of experience to the role, he brings a passion for touch and developing the region. Swanny is replacing Sam Heath, who has been promoted within QLD Touch and we wish her all the best. Please make Stephen feel welcome when you get a chance.
AGM. Brisbane Touch Football hosted the AGM on 23rd June 2021 with 11 attendees. There were several board members that had served their time and were required to stand down from their positions.
Keiran Trenerry – South Pine Touch
Geoff Hooper – Redcliffe Touch
Adam Page – Independent
Ash Synnott – Independent
We received nominations for South Pine – (Ross Pugliese), Redcliffe Touch – (Geoff Hooper) and Independent – (Ash Synnott) who were all elected on to, or back onto the board respectively. The board still has one independent position vacant that we are working hard on filling ASAP. Further information on this to follow.
We would like to thank both Pagey and KT for all their work and commitment to the board. In addition, we also welcome Ross with open arms.
Subsequently – I was re-nominated and elected as the Chairman of Brisbane Touch Football, of which I am very honoured and will do my best with the board to make some significant changes to events, coaching, and officiating education and player pathways.
Independent – Ash Synnott (Chair)
Independent – vacant
BMTA – Swain Rovelli
Redcliffe – Geoff Hooper South Pine – Ross Pugliese
Secretariat – Stephen Swan

QLD Junior State Cup.
The Brisbane Region was well represented and had some amazing results including champion teams, referees of the tournament, referee upgrades and affiliate awards. A HUGE congratulations to all that were involved. In addition, we must thank our volunteers, coaches, officials, managers and parents. These competitions and experiences only operate due to the time and effort that you all put in. So, thank you.
Champion Teams
Under 12 Boys – BMTA Mustangs Red POF – Isaac Richter
Under 14 Girls – BMTA Mustangs Red POF – Kameryn Bray
Under 18 Girls – BMTA Mustangs Red POF – Tayla Sykes
Runners Up
Under 12 Girls – BMTA Mustangs Red
Under 16 Girls – BMTA Mustangs Red
Male Referee of the Tournament – Campbell Muir (BMTA)
Female Referee of the Tournament – Zoe Genrich (BMTA)
Male Junior Referee Encouragement Award – Jacob Greg (BMTA)
Level 3 Upgrades – Jocelyn Eaton (BMTA), Harry Kalpakidis (BMTA), Sam Kalpakidis (BMTA)
Grand Final Referee Appointments
10 Boys – Tony Bryant (Arana)
12 Girls – Abigail Muller (Southpine)
12 Boys – Michael Genrich (BMTA)
14 Boys – Ken Chan (BMTA), Reef Gilbert Marino (BMTA)
16 Girls – Blake Cooper (BMTA)
18 Girls – Zac Genrich (BMTA)
16 Boys – Jordan Randle (BMTA), Zoe Genrich (BMTA)
18 Boys – Campbell Muir (BMTA), John Hamstra (BMTA)
Small Affiliate – The Carroll / Etherdon Trophy – Hounds Graceville
Medium Affiliate – The Bronwyn & Don Holland Trophy – Arana Touch Football Association
NYC – Thanks to all the coaches and managers that have nominated and been successful in obtaining a position for this years NYC to be held on the Sunny Coast in September. Teams have been selected and announced. Congratulations to all. There was a fantastic result regarding the Player EOI’s and we are happy to announce that we’ll be sending teams in all divisions and multiple teams in the Under 12 Girls and the Under 14 Girls.

NTL – Coach and Player EOI’s are now open. Please click on the hyperlink option that best suits you to take you to the EOI page. We anticipate that we’ll have the Coach appointments finalised by late August, a little later than we hoped, however we are working on our policies to make sure Coach, Manager and Player appointments are finalised with adequate time for selected teams to bond and prepare for NTL.
In some further good news, we have secured enough accommodation to house up to 11 (hopefully more) teams at Breakfree Aanuka Beach Resort. We are current looking at uniform options and alternatives and will ensure teams are selected and uniforms are ordered before the year is out, limiting any possible issues with gear delays. We heard your feedback, and we are working on actioning as many of these as possible.
Coaches Workshop – The board is in the process of developing a coach development workshop for coaches from all levels. The workshop will be held on an evening (date to be confirmed) and will consist of a keynote address from a high performing coach, soft skills specialist and touch football coach experts. More information on this will be provided as soon as the specifics have been lock in.
All our affiliates have either kicked off their season or are in preparation to kick off, so best of luck to all. Make sure you get involved and support the affiliates that continue to support our region.
Finally, best of luck to all Brisbane Touch Football affiliates, players and officials for the Brisbane Metro Cup. BMTA has put on an amazing competition that is one of the biggest domestic competitions in the country. For those who are nominating for Cobras, I’m sure the coaches will be out and about throughout the final weeks taking notes.
Once again, a big thank you to all participants, volunteers, coaches and officials that keep our region ticking along. The board are available for comments, so if there are any major issues you need to discuss, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Ash Synnott
Chair – Brisbane Touch Football
On behalf of the board – Swain, Geoff and Ross.